Firstly i would like to appreciate the fact that our very own experienced writers /journalists have developed their own Eswatini Farming magazine which does not only give us stories about Agriculture in Eswatini but covers issues including innovative Climate Smart Agriculture, bring out the voiceless rural folk to teach citizens like us that grew up in townships about indigenous food and of their benefits in our daily livelihoods.
Whilst i have been on lock down for the last 14 days i got to appreciate that most of Emaswati take their lives for granted , will never appreciate Government's efforts in the fight against Covid-19 epidemic. it seems like our people do not imiagine life would be without such a support by the Government/Ministry of Health for that matter. The valuing of all announcements as 'copy & paste' from our neighbours in South Africa is just a shear display of not valuing the country's Authorities enough.
We have been schooled on being respectful and patriotic and thus it is of great importance that we sit , sizindle and note how wonderful the things we possess and the things we do now are, we should then imagine a day where we will no longer having such a priviledge or be allowed to speak as we please.
Never mind kwekutsi udla titfukutfuku takho but the truth of the matter is that the problem with a majority of people is that we think being bonded to social media it gives us licence to boast of our apppointments , answering to back to what Government has delivered to her people and forget that our landscape and surrounding is beautiful that the concentration we have on the technological influence.
The current situation of things brings hope that there is a flow of new information and useful parameters across disciplines and also across the public and private sector.
it of great scene to have some of our noble citizens volunteering on ensuring that our cities remain clean. let us see more of these initiatives spreading even through to the smaller towns in the Shiselweni and Lubombo regions respectively.Unlike the wrong ideology that whatever we do in our communities we do it to score political points. let us be used to people who are doing things not for recognition. Many of us shying away from being fully active at this period of time despite that there is a need to be working towards the direction of ensuring safety in our community.
let us remember the plight of the homeless and the poor are at major risk of not having food because of the partial lock down. let us all get together and make a plan on how we can be of help to them. This is not about any specific creed or religion and how can your belly be full when when your neighbour is hungry.
Whilst we are encouraged to stay at home, let us appreciate the weather at our disposal. No matter how harsh it may be let us appreciate it .let us all unwind in the brightness and warmth of a sunny day and even on a cold and rainy day let us learn to appreciate the power of thunderstorms and the beauty of the fresh drizzle as it shall accord you with the sense of peace that's hard to match during. After finding peace with the situation we will then begin to appreciate and listen to our Government and change our attitudes for the better.
Whilst i have been on lock down for the last 14 days i got to appreciate that most of Emaswati take their lives for granted , will never appreciate Government's efforts in the fight against Covid-19 epidemic. it seems like our people do not imiagine life would be without such a support by the Government/Ministry of Health for that matter. The valuing of all announcements as 'copy & paste' from our neighbours in South Africa is just a shear display of not valuing the country's Authorities enough.
We have been schooled on being respectful and patriotic and thus it is of great importance that we sit , sizindle and note how wonderful the things we possess and the things we do now are, we should then imagine a day where we will no longer having such a priviledge or be allowed to speak as we please.
Never mind kwekutsi udla titfukutfuku takho but the truth of the matter is that the problem with a majority of people is that we think being bonded to social media it gives us licence to boast of our apppointments , answering to back to what Government has delivered to her people and forget that our landscape and surrounding is beautiful that the concentration we have on the technological influence.
The current situation of things brings hope that there is a flow of new information and useful parameters across disciplines and also across the public and private sector.
it of great scene to have some of our noble citizens volunteering on ensuring that our cities remain clean. let us see more of these initiatives spreading even through to the smaller towns in the Shiselweni and Lubombo regions respectively.Unlike the wrong ideology that whatever we do in our communities we do it to score political points. let us be used to people who are doing things not for recognition. Many of us shying away from being fully active at this period of time despite that there is a need to be working towards the direction of ensuring safety in our community.
let us remember the plight of the homeless and the poor are at major risk of not having food because of the partial lock down. let us all get together and make a plan on how we can be of help to them. This is not about any specific creed or religion and how can your belly be full when when your neighbour is hungry.
Whilst we are encouraged to stay at home, let us appreciate the weather at our disposal. No matter how harsh it may be let us appreciate it .let us all unwind in the brightness and warmth of a sunny day and even on a cold and rainy day let us learn to appreciate the power of thunderstorms and the beauty of the fresh drizzle as it shall accord you with the sense of peace that's hard to match during. After finding peace with the situation we will then begin to appreciate and listen to our Government and change our attitudes for the better.
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